The Little Book of ANZACS

PLU: 1980


“The ANZACs had no tradition to rely on or defend. They did something greater – they created one.” – Julia Gillard

On the 25th of April 1915, Australia and New Zealand soldiers, part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula, landed on heavily defended beaches. Over the next eight months, the infantrymen of Australia and New Zealand carved a reputation for bravery, discipline, ingenuity and mateship.

ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) came to mean more than of Corp of men or a site of landing. Their story is the tale of new-world nations, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with the old, and being up to the test. For all its tragedy, the campaign shaped the sense of national identity, and became the birthplace for the indomitable ANZAC spirit that inspires today.

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This is a small hard cover book (12cm x 14cm approximately) with over 190 pages.

There are 6 chapters including ‘ANZAC Battles’, ‘Diggers and Diaries’, ‘In the Trenches’, and ‘ANZAC Remembered’.

It is packed with anecdotes, quotes, and interesting facts – all in bite size format.