Aroha mai, due to planned maintenance the Aircraft Hall is closed today. It will reopen progressively from 25 Oct.

Ron Hermanns’ trench art collection

Recently, the Air Force Museum was honoured to host RNZAF veteran Ron Hermanns’ 108th birthday. Ron’s distinction as New Zealand’s oldest man made this momentous event even more significant, and many special guests were present. It was also an opportunity for us to showcase a remarkable collection of jewellery and souvenirs that Ron made during his time in service, and which he generously donated to the Museum in 2009. The pieces are fine examples of decorative items known as ‘trench art’; some are on permanent display at the Museum, while others were brought out specially to mark the occasion. 

Ron Hermanns celebrating his 108th birthday at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand. He is pictured with the youngest current serving airman in the RNZAF, Aircraftman Hamish Batchelor.
Image ©NZDF Official
Ron Hermanns celebrating his 108th birthday at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand. He is pictured with the youngest current serving airman in the RNZAF, Aircraftman Hamish Batchelor. Image ©NZDF Official

Ron’s background

Ron was born in Canada in 1911, and came to New Zealand with his family in 1914. He trained as an engineer and worked in the Railway Workshops in Wellington. In 1937 Ron joined the Wellington Territorial Squadron as an aircraft rigger, working on Blackburn Baffin biplanes. With the outbreak of war in 1939, he was made liable for continuous service and joined the RNZAF. 

At that point, Ron changed trade to become an aircraft fitter and was initially stationed at Woodbourne, then posted around New Zealand. In early 1943 he was deployed overseas, to No. 4 Repair Depot at Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu).  There, he spent 12 months working with the Americans and servicing the RNZAF’s Kittyhawks. Personnel on active service were not permitted to keep diaries but Ron wrote one once the war was over, based on his letters home and general recollections. It is now kept at the Alexander Turnbull Library and offers many insights into everyday life in RNZAF Servicing Units in the Pacific during World War Two. All direct quotes in this post are drawn from Ron’s diary. 

A knack for making things

Those at Ron’s birthday heard of a handyman, still making and using tools, building fences and generally maintaining his property. Ron’s diary entries demonstrate that this has always been the case, describing furniture, water boilers, spouting systems, a washing machine, and other devices that he knocked together to make life in the Pacific more comfortable. 

Considering his bent for construction and overall ingenuity, it is no surprise that Ron also turned his hand to making decorative items in his spare time. While in Espiritu Santo, Ron mentions that he made buttons, bangles and napkin rings from coconut shell, bamboo and ivory nut. He also describes going into the jungle to collect seeds to make into necklaces – of which 20 were destined for friends in New Zealand. Ron was not alone in making these, and records that they were popular items for purchase among the American servicemen, the going rate being two dollars per necklace. Other items were lucrative too: 

“Several of the boys have sent to N.Z for souvenirs such as tikis, kiwis, etc. made of silver or in leather work. The sell them to the Yanks for about three times their N.Z. price”. 

Here, Ron is describing the manufacture and trade of ‘trench art’. The term has a broad definition: keepsakes made by a solider in a trench during World War One and intended for a loved one would certainly qualify, but any item made in association with armed conflict can be considered trench art. This can include items crafted as individual gifts, or those produced en masse to supply a robust market for souvenirs. Judging by Ron’s description, the latter may have applied on Espiritu Santo, as it did in other parts of the Pacific. 

Ron’s Second Tour

Round plexiglass pendant engraved with island beach scene - water, beach, hut, palm tree and mountains.
Round plexiglass pendant engraved with island beach scene and referencing the Solomon Islands. Engraving has been highlighted by the reverse of pendant being painted.
From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Ron stayed on Espiritu Santo until early February 1944, when he returned to Wellington. In January 1945, he embarked on his second tour of operations. This time, Ron was based for five months at No. 12 Servicing Unit at Henderson Field on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, maintaining Lockheed Venturas. Following that, he was posted to Jacquinot Bay, New Britain (now part of Papua New Guinea), where he remained with No. 3 Servicing Unit, working with RNZAF Corsairs, until November 1945.

The items in the Museum’s collection date from Ron’s second overseas deployment, and the conditions under which they were made were a bit different to those of his first tour. Not long after arriving in Guadalcanal, Ron notes in his diary that rules had changed since the last time he was away: making and selling things to the Americans was now prohibited, despite it having been “a great hobby overseas”. ‘The Yanks’ weren’t subject to the same restrictions, in fact, Ron adds that they were even “encouraged in that direction”. It seems the New Zealanders found a work-around by supplying the Americans with merchandise: “at least half the stuff they sell is made by our boys on the sly”.

Ron also found that the raw materials he’d used for his hobby while on ‘Santo’ weren’t so readily available on Guadalcanal. Unfazed, he turned to a range of surplus and scavenged everyday products, an approach which is also characteristic of trench art. He re-purposed these materials with the aid of hacksaws, small files and drills, abrasive paper, and metal polish.

Materials and Techniques

Letter opener made from chromium-plated flying wire with handle of brass and coloured Bakelite gaming discs. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
Letter opener made from chromium-plated flying wire, 303 bullets and cartridge case, paint. Features the Royal New Zealand Air Force King’s crown and eagle emblem mounted on handle. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Ron made several letter openers from flying wire, a utilitarian airframe component, which he finished in chrome. In a couple, he stacked and shaped brass with Bakelite gaming chips to form striped handles. For another he used .303 bullets and cartridge shells.

The red paint that decorates the edges of the ‘bullet knife’ appears frequently in Ron’s work. Another example is a tie pin made from a New Zealand florin – the precursor to the 20-cent piece – where red paint highlights the kiwi’s eye. The image of the bird has been painstakingly removed from the centre of the coin, attached to a pin and plated with chrome. Ron created a whole range of tie pins in a similar way, many of them also from pre-decimal New Zealand currency.

Tie pin made from a New Zealand one florin coin. Most of the coin has been filed away to leave the kiwi design, which has then been chromium plated. The kiwi’s eye has been coloured red. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
Tie pin made from a New Zealand one shilling piece.  Areas of the coin have been filed away to leave the outer rim and the Māori warrior design. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Duralumin is an aluminium-copper alloy used in the aviation industry. It was developed by the Germans who used it in aircraft skins and frames during World War One. It was subsequently adopted more widely – particularly for use in air ships. Duralumin hardens slowly, a property that would make it convenient to shape and work. It appears in several of Ron’s designs, usually as a component, but most strikingly as the principal material of the sole necklace in the collection. 

Dural bead necklace with three tear drops. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Acrylic, (often referred to by trade names Perspex or Plexiglass) was sourced from aircraft windscreens. It was a favourite material of trench artists because it was easy to work; it could be cut and filed, inscribed, painted, and polished to a smooth finish. When heated, it becomes soft and can be moulded into shapes which hold once the acrylic has cooled. Ron used acrylic extensively in rings, bangles, brooches and letter openers, either on its own or embellished with other materials, engraving, or paint. A magnificent coiled snake demonstrates the versatility of acrylic. Heat moulded, a pattern has been imprinted into the underside, which has then been painted.  

Details of Ron Hermann’s ‘trench art’ created during and after his service. using paua, plastic, and any available materials 
Ron Hermann is New Zealand’s oldest man and a RNZAF WWII veteran
Plexiglass snake made by Ron Hermanns (on loan from a private collection). Image ©NZDF Official
Plexiglass ring engraved with island beach scene. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Ron also made wide use of paua shell, which he attached to mounts of stainless steel, duralumin, Bakelite or acrylic.  He had gathered shells from Lyall Bay in Wellington between postings, fossicking specifically so that he would have material to work with when he returned to the Pacific. It seems Ron was not the only one to have had a supply of paua shell and was fortunate to have collected enough for his own use, noting “some others brought more with them than they want and are selling them for a $1 each”. 

‘Coffin’ shaped pendant.  Paua shell panel set in stainless steel. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
Set of six hexagonal paua shell buttons with stainless steel backings and loops. Ron has marked the rear of one button with his initials, and an abbreviation for ‘Solomon Islands’. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
Dural ring inlaid with circular piece of paua shell. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Several of Ron’s designs directly reference the places where he was stationed, and an engraved plexiglass panel shows the approximate route that he took on his second tour: sailing from New Zealand to Espiritu Santo, then to Guadalcanal, before later flying to New Britain.  Others – such as an acrylic hei-tiki – feature motifs distinct to Aoteoroa. Representations of Australia may reflect a level of demand from Australian personnel, as New Britain was a mandated territory of Australia at the time. 

Panel of Plexiglass engraved with island beach scene and map of the South Pacific including New Zealand, Solomon Islands, New Guinea and Australia. Ron Hermann’s route to Jacquinot Bay is shown. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
Stainless steel brooch in the shape of Australia and inlaid with paua shell.  Major cities have been marked with a red dot and it has a split pin fastener on reverse. From the collection of the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.
Tiki pendant made from clear plexiglass (perspex).  Carved details have been highlighted with red paint.  Made while with Royal New Zealand Air Force No. 12 Servicing Unit at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal.
Hei tiki pendant made from clear Plexiglass. Carved details have been highlighted with red paint. From the Air Force Museum of New Zealand. 

The quality of trench art varies widely depending on the skills of the maker, the resources available to them, and their circumstances. Ron Hermanns’ exacting eye, proficiency with tools and general ingenuity combined to see him create a distinctive collection of objects in his spare time. The Air Force Museum is fortunate to have them in its collection, and to be able to celebrate Ron. 


Hermanns, Ronald. ‘Santos Diary’. Held at Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Reference number MSX-8163.