Cost: FREE. As the Air Force Museum is a registered charitable trust, koha (donations) are gladly accepted.

Programme duration: 60 minutes

To book, contact:
Chris Davey, BA, Dip Tchg
Education Officer

Phone: 03 371 9670


Suitable for Y5-8 students

This programme utilises our ‘Captured!’ Prisoner of War (POW)-themed exhibition space, which follows the journey of Kiwi airmen captured as POWs in Europe during World War Two.

The related education programme, tailored to the level of your students, will include time in our classroom before the students are given access to the exhibition itself for that unique, hands-on learning experience. Topics covered can include real POW stories, POW camp life, interrogation, escape and the Geneva Convention.

  • Social Sciences: Identity, Culture, and Organisation, Place and Environment, Continuity and Change
  • English: Listening, Reading, and Viewing
  • Key Competencies: All