Aroha mai, due to planned maintenance the Aircraft Hall is closed today. It will reopen progressively from 25 Oct.

Meet our people

Smokey Dawson_15 Nov 18_web

Smokey Dawson

Technical Volunteer

You will most commonly find Smokey these days in the Museum’s workshops, beavering away on the Catalina. Although he’s only been volunteering with us since 2013, his association with the Museum, and with the Catalina in particular, goes back much further.

Ray Sheridan_29 Nov 18_web

Ray Sheridan

Volunteer Guide

Ray Sheridan began volunteering with us as a guide in 2015, motivated in part by an interest in aircraft, but also a family association – he has a granddaughter who is a medic in the Air Force, currently based at Woodbourne.

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Rhys Evans

Volunteer Guide

While visiting Wigram airfield to board a commemorative DC-3 flight in 2006, Rhys was encouraged by a colleague, firstly, to visit the Air Force Museum and, secondly, to become a volunteer guide here. Some 13 years later, Rhys has established himself as a valuable member of the Thursday guiding team, sharing his passion and knowledge with visitors from far and wide.

Ron Reeve

Ron Reeve

Technical Volunteer

After a lifetime spent ‘playing with aeroplanes’, volunteering in the technical section here at the Air Force Museum seemed a natural way for Ron Reeve to spend his retirement.

Hans Nagelkerke in front of an airplane

Hans Nagelkerke

Volunteer Guide

Hans Nagelkerke hails from the Netherlands, where he did a period of service in the Dutch Air Force, beginning as an assistant engineer and finishing up as a crew chief on the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. When he left the military, the job market in the Netherlands was not all that positive, so following recommendations from family already in New Zealand, he emigrated in 1981.

Mike Harrison

Technical Volunteer

For ex-RNZAF Mechanical Transport (MT) driver, Mike Harrison, volunteering in the technical section at the Air Force Museum was top of the list when he retired – he was so keen, in fact, to be back amongst old mates, that he started here on his very first day of retirement, back in 2005.

Emma Johnson

Emma Johnson


When Emma Meyer (now Johnson) first started at the Museum as a collections technician back in February 2009, it was only meant to be for a few months’ maternity cover. Ten years and several different contracts later, however, Emma is one of our longest-serving Collections staff members, and an integral part of our team. As our Registrar, she is the first port of call for anyone looking to donate material to our collection.

Cliff Waites

Cliff Waites

Audiovisual Volunteer

When Cliff Waites signed up as a volunteer back in 2005, he offered his services in not one, but two areas – both as a guide, and also as a volunteer assistant for our Audiovisual (AV) Technician, David Nicholson. With his background as an instrument assistant/avionics technician, Cliff is certainly well qualified for the latter!

Alan Dower_Volunteer Guide

Alan Dower

Volunteer Guide

Retired plumber Alan Dower has certainly had an eventful life. From being evacuated from London as a child during World War Two, a stint of National Service in the RAF, and 15 years working in Hong Kong, where he also served with the Auxiliary Police Helicopter Observer Squadron, he now spends his Wednesdays volunteering as a guide here at the Museum.

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Evelyn Robertson

Archives Volunteer

It was an encounter at a meeting of her local branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists over ten years ago which led retired librarian Evelyn Robertson to begin volunteering in the archives here at the Air Force Museum.

Al Woodley

Al Woodley

Technical Volunteer

In 1986, RNZAF airframe fitter, Alan (Al) Woodley, took the opportunity for a posting to Wigram, to help get the RNZAF Museum ready for its grand opening the following year. There aren’t many people on our team today who have had such a long association with the Museum, or as much experience restoring historic aircraft as Al, and we’re lucky to still have him on board as a volunteer.

Kevin Leary

Kevin Feary

Technical Volunteer

The pay’s not great, but it’s the best job I’ve ever had!”, says technical volunteer, Kevin Feary. Brought up in Hornby, with both a passion for and the sound of aircraft all around, Kevin came to an open day at the Museum many years ago and saw the, then, unrestored Airspeed Oxford. His first thought was, “I’d love to work on that one day”, and so he did.

Brett team

Brett Marshall

Museum Director

Wing Commander Brett Marshall’s recent appointment to the role of permanent Director of the Air Force Museum of new Zealand has heralded a new chapter in our Museum’s history. For Brett, meanwhile, returning to Wigram has brought his Air Force career full circle.

Keri Naus

Keri Naus

Visitor Host

Keri has worked with the Air Force Museum for just over 6 years at the moment of writing. As a visitor host, her varied & fun role sees her job-sharing with Mark, doing anything from planning and running a school holiday programme, delivering talks and presentations at rest homes, hosting birthday parties and much more.

Luke with airplane

Luke Damen

Volunteer Guide

When volunteer guide Luke Damen watched British bombers fly over his home city of The Hague in the Netherlands at the end of World War Two, little did he know that in one of those aircraft was a New Zealander whom he would meet many years later, at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

Frank with airplane

Frank Goorhuis

Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

Frank is one of the newest members of the Air Force Museum team, coming on board in March 2021 as our Marketing and Social Media Coordinator.