Open daily 9.30am to 4.30pm (except Christmas Day, 25 December)
Entry to the Museum is FREE – but donations are welcome
Accessible for all
45 Harvard Ave, Wigram, Christchurch, New Zealand Phone: +64 3 371 9600
Museum hunts with your whānau
Visit the Aircraft Hall
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Free Admission
Open daily 9.30am to 4.30pm (except Christmas Day)
Location: 45 Harvard Ave, Wigram
Phone: +64 3 371 9600
From a battle-damaged Luftwaffe bomber engine from the Battle of Britain, to art created in Antarctica, Insights offers a peek at the breadth and depth of our extraordinary collection.
The Reserve Collection space, accessible on our guided tours, is where you will encounter our aircraft, vehicles and engines currently in storage.
The Thérèse Angelo Wing, named after the Museum’s esteemed former Director (2002-2018), is part of the 6,500m² extension completed in December 2012.
Originally built as an aeroplane hangar during World War Two, the Aircraft Hall is home to a stunning collection of classic aircraft, all displayed under theatrical lighting.
Named in honour of one of New Zealand’s most famous World War One airmen, Keith Caldwell, this gallery has a full-scale replica Sopwith Pup biplane as its centrepiece.
Discover the history of New Zealand’s military aviation presented through stories, objects, photos and film - and some very life-like dioramas!
The Atrium, with its light, open space and high ceiling is the perfect place to orientate yourself when you first enter the Museum.
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